Ella will be a year old on August 8th and I've been majorly slacking on trying to get rid of the baby weight! I still need to get rid of the last 30bs that just seem to bloat my entire body up! So to kick off my new blog I'm going to be giving you guys my most recent stats and will be declaring a few goals that I hope to accomplish before my son starts first grade this year! I have really found out that the best way for me to keep going and losing weight is by having support and friends helping to cheer me on and having others in the same position as myself! So If you'd like to join my group just shoot me out a message on FB or an email to my address laurelhedden@rocketmail.com that way we can get you on the right track too! Make sure to check into my blog every so often for new recipes, updates on my weight loss, and to get an update on what is going on in the crazy life of the Hedden Family!